‘뉴질랜드 정통 교민신문’ 뉴질랜드타임즈 입니다.
*뉴질랜드타임즈는 오클랜드 / 크라이스트처치 / 웰링턴 매주 신문이 배포됩니다.
가까운 한인 마트에서 신문을 가지고 가실 수 있으며, 웹사이트, 페이스북, 인스타그램도 함께 운영합니다.
페이스북: www.facebook.com/iNewZealandTimes
인스타그램: newzealand__times
The New Zealand Times has been growing up with Korean community very closely since the first publication in 1996. Since then, with great passion, we went through over 1,000 issues to provide the latest news to Korean residents in New Zealand. We pride ourselves as being the bridge of communication between Korean and New Zealanders.
The New Zealand Times is the leading Korean newspaper company in New Zealand.
1996- The New Zealand Times first publication on January 1996
2011- The New Zealand Times Website and Facebook page launched
2016- Website Rebranded
2018- Partnership with Gyeongnam News (https:/www.gnnews.co.kr)
2019- Partnership with Sisa Press (https://www.sisapress.com)
2019- Website Rebranded
2019- 1000th issue printed
2020- Website Rebranded
2020- Partnership with Yonhap News Agency (https:www.yna.co.kr)