[Learn English with us!] Healthy Homes 1- 건강한 집 1편

[Learn English with us!] Healthy Homes 1- 건강한 집 1편

뉴질랜드타임즈 댓글 0 조회 1138 추천 4

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아래 두 그림을 잘 살펴보세요. 다른 점이 7군데 있고, 한 그림은 조금 이상한 부분이 있습니다. 이 겨울 집안을 따뜻하고 건강하게 유지하기 위해 어떻게 하는 것이 좋을지 영어 표현과 함께 배워봅시다.

<Spot the difference! 다른 점 찾기>

(Picture 1)


1. It’s evening after school. It’s dark outside and light is on. The weather forecast is on the radio.

2.Meilani and Tane are doing their homework at the table. Tane is using his laptop. Melani is finishing her maths assignment. Sione is on the floor playing with his toys. Ana is sitting on a bean bag. She is reading a book from the school library. The children are wearing short-sleeved tops. Ana has bare legs. Sione is sitting under a blanket. They are feeling cold.

3. Their mother, Lavinia, is making dinner in the kitchen. She is preparing a salad. There is a pot of potatoes boiling on the stove. There is a lot of steam coming from the pot. The kitchen window is closed. The steam is forming condensation on the windows.

4. The curtains in the living room are open. It’s very windy outside. The wind is blowing leaves and cold air under the front door. It is making the room feel draughty and cold.

5. There is an LPG gas heater in the living room. It is giving off moisture into the room.

6. There is a laundry basket and drying rail in the living room. Wet clothes are hanging out to dry inside. They are giving off moisture in the room.

7. There is mould on the ceiling and walls. The room is too cold – it is 15°C.

(Picture 2)


1. Lavinia is wearing a cardigan. The children are wearing sweaters. Ana is also wearing leggings and warm slippers. Sion does not need a blanket. They feel warmer.

2. The kitchen window is open and the steam from the boiling potatoes is going outside. There is no condensation on the kitchen windows.

3. The curtains in the living room are closed to keep the heat in.

4. There is a draught stop by the front door so the wind cannot blow cold air and leaves inside.

5. There is an electric heater in the living room. This does not give off moisture.

6. There are no wet clothes drying inside. The clothes will be dried outside in the fine windy weather tomorrow.

7. Ther is no mould on the ceiling and walls. The room is warm – it is 20°C.


 weather forecast: 일기예보              

 do one’s homework: 숙제 하다     

 do an assignment: 숙제/과제 하다        

 short-sleeve top: 반소매 상의

 cardigan: 카디건

 sweater: 스웨터

 leggings: 레깅스

 warm slippers: 따뜻한 슬리퍼

 bare legs: 맨다리

 blanket: 담요

 make dinner: 저녁을 준비하다 

 prepare a salad: 샐러드를 만들다       

 boil potatoes: 감자를 끓이다       

 steam: 김, 증기     

 form sondensation: 물방울이 맺히다

 draught: 찬바람, 외풍  adj.draughty 

 under the front door: 현관문 아래로

 drying rail: 빨래걸이

 giving off moisture: 습기를 내뿜다

 mould: 곰팡이 


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English Language Partners North Shore

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Joanne Lee  (노스쇼어센터 Coordinator)

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