[Learn English with us] Adverbs 부사

[Learn English with us] Adverbs 부사

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Adverbs can tell us about how we do the things that we do. 부사는 ‘어떻게’ 를 설명해줍니다. 

See if you can spot the adverbs in these sentences: 아래에서 부사를 찾아보세요.

• I always ride carefully.

• I ride as fast as I can.

• I never ride a bike - it's too dangerous.

• I really like to ride slowly.

정답은- always/as fast as I can/never, too/really, slowly

Where do adverbs go with verbs? 부사의 위치는 어디일까요?

Generally, there are three positions where it's possible to put an adverb in relation to a verb. 일반적으로 동사와 관련된 부사의 위치는 세 가지가 있습니다.

First position: before the subject.   주어 전에

• Carefully he opened the package.

Second position:  before the main verb. 주동사 전에

• He carefully opened the package. 

Third position: after the verb or after the verb and its direct object or clause. 동사 다음, 직접 목적어 혹은 절 뒤에

• He opened the package carefully.  

When the verb to be is the main verb of a sentence, we usually put adverbs immediately after the verb. to be 동사가 주동사 일 때 부사는 일반적으로 주어 다음에 옵니다.

• He’s always on time.

• I was never happy at school.

Where you can't put an adverb 부사가 들어가지 않은 곳

- between a verb and its direct object: 동사와 직접 목적어 사이

Ex) He opened carefully the package. (Not correct.)

- between a verb and a gerund or infinitive with 'to'. 동사와 동명사 / to 부정사 사이

Ex) He started cycling professionally in 2011. (Correct) 

      He started professionally cycling in 2011. (Not correct)

Ex) I’d like to sit down again. (Correct)

      I’d like again to sit down. (Not correct)


1. Which of the following sentences is correct?

A. Rarely the weather in the UK is warm in December.

B. The weather is rarely warm in the UK in December.

C. The weather is warm in the UK in December rarely.

D. The weather is warm rarely in the UK in December.

2. Which of the following sentences is correct?

A. Frequently the band performed at music festivals in the summer.

B. The band frequently performed at music festivals in the summer.

C. The band performed at frequently music festivals in the summer.

D. The band performed at music festivals in the summer frequently.

3. Which of the following sentences is correct?

A. Never we have managed to come to an agreement, so we haven't bought the house.

B. We have never managed to come to an agreement, so we haven't bought the house.

C. We have managed to come to an agreement never, so we haven't bought the house.

D. We have managed to come to an agreement, so we haven't bought the house never.

4. Which of the following sentences is correct?

A. They are definitely the best football team in the world.

B. They are the definitely best football team in the world.

C. They are the best football team definitely in the world.

D. They are the best football team in definitely the world.

5. Which of the following sentences is correct?

A. What basically you’re trying to say is that you can’t make it to my party on Friday.

B. What you’re trying to say is that you can’t make it basically to my party on Friday.

C. Basically, what you’re trying to say is that you can’t make it to my party on Friday.

D. What you’re trying to say is that you can’t make basically it to my party on Friday.

6. Which of the following sentences is correct?

A. It’s expensive incredibly to stay in that hotel.

B. It’s incredibly expensive to stay in that hotel.

C. It’s expensive to stay incredibly in that hotel.

D. Expensive incredibly it is to stay in that hotel.

7. Which of the following sentences is correct?

A. She wasn’t seriously injured luckily in the accident.

B. She wasn’t seriously injured in luckily the accident.

C. Luckily, she wasn’t seriously injured in the accident.

D. She wasn’t luckily seriously injured in the accident.

8. Which of the following sentences is correct?

A. The rapidly aeroplane flew over the bright blue ocean.

B. The aeroplane rapidly flew over the bright blue ocean.

C. The aeroplane flew over the bright blue rapidly ocean.

D. The aeroplane flew rapidly over the bright blue ocean.


1. B- We always put the adverb of frequency after the main verb 'be'.

2. B- Adverbs of frequency go before the main verb, unless that verb is 'be'.

3. B- In a sentence with both an auxiliary verb and main verb, the adverb of frequency goes between the two.

4. A- Adverbs of probability generally occupy the middle position - but after the main verb 'be'!

5. C- Adverbs of opinion tend to go at the beginning of the sentence.

6. B- The modifying adverb goes before the adjective it modifies

7. C- Adverbs of opinion tend to go at the beginning of the sentence

8. D- Adverbs of manner tend to follow the verbs that they describe

(Resource: https://www.bbclearningenglish.com)


English Language Partners North Shore 

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Joanne Lee  (노스쇼어센터 Coordinator)

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